
CoinShares announces share buyback program

November 7, 2023
August 5, 2024
Press release
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07 November 2023 | SAINT HELIER, Jersey - The Board of Directors of CoinShares International Limited ("CoinShares" or the "Company") (Nasdaq Stockholm: CS;US OTCQX: CNSRF), Europe's largest digital asset investment firm, has resolved to extend the repurchase of its shares on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 07 November 2023, up to and including 30 May 2024 for a total maximum amount of SEK 30 million in accordance with the authorisation granted at its Annual General Meeting on 31 May 2023.

The Board of Director's resolution to implement the share buyback program was made after its review of the Company's capital structure and is implemented for the purpose of reducing the capital of the Company.

The share buyback program will be carried out in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 ("MAR") and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 (the "Safe Harbour Regulation").

The share buyback program resolved by the Board of Directors is subject to the following terms:

  1. Acquisitions may only be effected on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with MAR and the Safe Harbour Regulation.

  2. Acquisitions shall be conducted and structured in accordance with the Nasdaq Stockholm Rulebook for Issuers.

  3. Acquisitions shall commence no earlier than 07 November 2023 and shall end no later than 30 May 2024.

  4. Acquisitions may only be effected at a price per share within the prevailing band of prices applying on Nasdaq Stockholm from time to time and in accordance with the restrictions relating to price in the Safe Harbour Regulation and set out in the resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting on 31 May 2023. The range of prices pertains to the range between the highest purchase price and the lowest selling price disseminated by Nasdaq Stockholm from time to time.

  5. Acquisitions may only be effected in accordance with the restrictions regarding volume for acquisitions of own shares stated in the Safe Harbour Regulation.

  6. Shares may be repurchased for a total maximum amount of SEK 30 million. The Company's holding of own shares may not at any time exceed 10 per cent of the outstanding shares in the Company.

  7. Payment for the shares shall be made in cash.

The total number of shares in CoinShares is at the date of this press release 68,013,771. At the time of this press release the Company holds 1,336,680 own shares.

About CoinShares

CoinShares is Europe’s largest and leading digital asset investment and trading group, managing billions of assets on behalf of a global client base. Our mission is to expand investing into digital assets with our trusted, regulated, best-in-class product suite that provides investors with trust and transparency when accessing cryptocurrencies. We believe that Bitcoin and blockchain networks are landmark innovations that will fundamentally reshape the global financial system and the way we interact digitally, and investors should be able to participate in this transformation. CoinShares is publicly listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under ticker CS and the OTCQX under the ticker CNSRF. CoinShares has multiple touchpoints with financial regulatory bodies around the world, including the AMF, JFSC and FINRA.

For more information on CoinShares, please visit:
Company | +44 (0)1534 513 100 | [email protected]
Investor Relations | +44 (0)1534 513 100 | [email protected]

This information is information that CoinShares International Limited is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014). The information in this press release has been published through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 08:00 GMT on Tuesday 07 November 2023.

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