
Change to the Executive Management Committee

September 30, 2024
September 30, 2024
Press release
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30 September 2024 | SAINT HELIER, JerseyCoinShares International Limited (“CoinShares'' or “the Company”) (Nasdaq Stockholm: CS; US OTCQX: CNSRF), Europe’s leading alternative asset manager specialising in digital assets, today announced changes in the composition of the Executive Management Committee.  

Graeme Dickson, Group General Counsel, has resigned to pursue other opportunities and as a result, has been removed from the Executive Management team of the Company with effect from the date of this announcement.

The Chief Executive Officer, supported by the wider Executive Management team, will carefully consider the options for a successor and will provide further details to the market, when available.

About CoinShares

CoinShares is Europe’s leading alternative asset manager specialising in digital assets, that delivers a broad range of financial services across investment management, trading and securities to a wide array of clients that includes corporations, financial institutions and individuals. The firm is headquartered in Jersey, with offices in France, Stockholm, the UK and the US. CoinShares is regulated in Jersey by the Jersey Financial Services Commission, in France by the Autorité des marchés financiers, in the US by the Securities and Exchange Commission, National Futures Association and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.  CoinShares is publicly listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker CS and the OTCQX under the ticker CNSRF.

For more information on CoinShares, please visit:
Company | +44 (0)1534 513 100 | [email protected]
Investor Relations | +44 (0)1534 513 100 | [email protected]

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